Access systems

Cinemagoer supports different ways of accessing the IMDb data:

  • Fetching data directly from the web server.
  • Getting the data from a SQL database that can be created from the downloadable data sets provided by the IMDb.
access system aliases data source
(default) ‘http’



‘html’ web server
‘s3’ ‘s3dataset’

downloadable dataset

after Dec 2017




downloadable dataset

until Dec 2017


Since release 3.4, the imdbpy.cfg configuration file is available, so that you can set a system-wide (or per-user) default. The file is commented with indication of the location where it can be put, and how to modify it.

If no imdbpy.cfg file is found (or is not readable or it can’t be parsed), ‘http’ will be used the default.

See the S3 datasets and Old data files documents for more information about SQL based access systems.